The POCWMA Spring meeting will be held Sunday March 2nd, 2025 at
St Mary Catholic Church Hall located at 732 FM2104 Smithville TX
Details and agenda available at the link below
The spotlight deer surveyors follow a 15 mile route that begins in the Alum Creek WMA area beginning at the cross section of Park Road 1 and Old Antioch Road then ends at the cross section of League Line Road and Karisch Road in the Pin Oak Creek WMA area.
The route also includes portions of Antioch Road, Gotier Trace, Nink Road, French Road and League Line Road.
The survey begins at dusk and continues until the 15 mile route is complete. the number of white-tail bucks, does and fawns surveyed are recorded after each mile of the 15 mile route.
The survey totals are recorded then sent to the TPWD biologist who uses the data too monitor deer herd compositions and concentrations. The data is also used for the Managed Lands Deer Programs.
Members will be paid for each pair of coyote ears brought in along with bobcat ears as well. Please contact the president / vice president for more information, Also members will be partially compensated who wish to plant food plots for wildlife. Please check with committee members for details.
New special bounty, $50.00 for a local picture of mountain lion/ panther/ puma. This picture will be paid upon further verification of its location and authenticity.
Completed applications along with essays and school transcripts must be USPS postmarked by June 14th unless alternative arrangements have been made. Mail to POCWMA, PO Box 606, Smithville Tx 78957
Member descendants
Lydia Allison
Suzanna King
All proceeds of Fun Day Auction will go to the POCWMA Scholarship Foundation
The POC WMA is a non profit organization who strives to promote and improve the vicinities game species habitat quality and populations through landowner education and wildlife management practices. The Pin Oak Creek Wildlife Management Association is one of six WMA's located in Bastrop County, which is located in the Post-Oak Savanah eco-region of Texas.
Getting to know your neighbors and sharing support in achieving common goals. Opportunities to work with and learn from wildlife and other natural resource professionals. Building a social network with neighbors who share your vision and desire to maintain land values and quality of life. Improve the wildlife resources of your land by co
Getting to know your neighbors and sharing support in achieving common goals. Opportunities to work with and learn from wildlife and other natural resource professionals. Building a social network with neighbors who share your vision and desire to maintain land values and quality of life. Improve the wildlife resources of your land by cooperating with neighbors to enhance habitat values at a larger landscape level.
Membership registration and payment ( annual dues $15.00). an update from the Bastrop County Biologist on upcoming events. An update from Bastrop County Game Wardens and changing game laws. A land or wildlife presentation from game and/or land management professionals. Pond management, post wildfire wildlife restoration, migratory bird ma
Membership registration and payment ( annual dues $15.00). an update from the Bastrop County Biologist on upcoming events. An update from Bastrop County Game Wardens and changing game laws. A land or wildlife presentation from game and/or land management professionals. Pond management, post wildfire wildlife restoration, migratory bird management and prescribe burning are a few items that are discussed. A meal is normally provided, fund raising events held and awards and prizes distributed.
Sign up to hear from us.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
If you have any questions? Want to become a member? Do you need help? or do you want to just meet people in your community and talk about anything? email us at
PO Box 606, Smithville, TX 78957-0606
Call us and we can get together at the next meeting. Let us know what you think. You may reach us at 737-881-5711